Relationship Details

Celebrity Biographies

Victoria Beckham has been married to David Beckham since July 4, 1999. They have been married for 25.3 years.

Victoria Beckham Profile Photo

Victoria Beckham

Music - Singer

Why Famous: Posh Spice of Spice Girls, girl band

Age: 50 (b. 4/17/1974)


Victoria Beckham's Relationships (2)

David Beckham Profile Photo

David Beckham

Sports - Soccer

Why Famous: Midfielder for the Los Angeles Galaxy

Age: 49 (b. 5/2/1975)

David Beckham Photos (19)

David Beckham's Relationships (6)

Relationship Timeline

Event Start Date Length
Dating 3/13/1997 10.4 months
Engaged 1/24/1998 1.4 years
Married 7/4/1999 25.3 years
 Total27.6 years

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Children of this Relationship

Name Born Age Gender Type
Brooklyn Joseph3/4/199925 yrs.MaleBiological
Romeo James9/1/200222 yrs.MaleBiological
Cruz David2/20/200519 yrs.MaleBiological
Harper Seven7/10/201113 yrs.FemaleBiological

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Rebecca LoosDavid Beckham2004View

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