Relationship Details
Celebrity Biographies
Annette Roque has been divorced from Matt Lauer since September 5, 2019. They had been married for 20.9 years. Annette Roque is currently available.
Fashion - Model
Why Famous: Spouse of Matt Lauer
Age: N/A
Entertainment - TV Personality
Why Famous: Former host of NBC's The Today Show
Age: 66 (b. 12/30/1957)
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Relationship Timeline
Event | Start Date | Length |
Dating | 7/1997 | 5 months |
Engaged | 12/1997 | 10.1 months |
Married | 10/3/1998 | 20.9 years |
Separated | 2014 | -- |
Filed for Divorce | 7/9/2019 | -- |
Divorced | 9/5/2019 | -- |
Total | 22.2 years |
Children of this Relationship
Name | Born | Age | Gender |
Jack Matthew | 06/26/2001 | 23 yrs. | Male |
Romy | 10/02/2003 | 21 yrs. | Female |
Thijs | 11/28/2006 | 18 yrs. | Male |
Name | Cheater | Date | Details |
Addie Zinone | Matt Lauer | 8/2000 | View |
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