Vivienne Bellisario's Profile

Vivienne Bellisario is currently married to Donald Bellisario. She has been in two celebrity relationships averaging approximately 13.6 years each. Her one marriage has lasted 27.2 years so far.
Occupation: Other - Spouse
Most Famous For: Fourth Spouse of Donald Bellisario
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Vivienne Bellisario's Relationships
89 Yrs. Old
Married (Present)
Name Unknown - Vivienne Bellisario
Age not known
Vivienne Bellisario's Relationship Statistics
No. | Avg. Length | |
Relationships: | 2 | 13.6 yrs.* |
Dating | 2 | 0 yrs. |
Engagements | 1 | 0 yrs. |
Marriages | 1 | 27.2 yrs. |
Breakups: | ||
Dating Breakups | 1 |
Vivienne Bellisario's Children
Name | Age | Gender | Type |
Nickolas | N/A | Male | Step Child |
Chad W Murray | N/A | Male | Biological |
Unknown | N/A | Male | Step Child |
David | N/A | Male | Step Child |
Nick | N/A | Male | Step Child |
Leslie | 64 yrs. | Female | Step Child |
Sean Harland Murray | 47 yrs. | Male | Biological |
Michael Angelo | 44 yrs. | Male | Step Child |
Troian Avery | 39 yrs. | Female | Step Child |
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Relationship News & Gossip for Vivienne Bellisario
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