Lucy Webb Hayes' Profile

Lucy Webb Hayes Profile Photo

Lucy Webb Hayes is deceased. She was in one celebrity relationship averaging approximately 36.5 years. Her only marriage lasted 36.5 years.

Given Name: Lucy Ware Webb Hayes

Nickname: Lemonade Lucy

Age: 57 (8/28/1831 - 6/25/1889)

Occupation: Politics - Other

Most Famous For: 19th First Lady of the United States

Lucy Webb Hayes' Relationships

Lucy Webb Hayes' Relationship Statistics

No. Avg. Length
Relationships: 1 36.5 yrs.*
  Dating10 yrs.
  Engagements10 yrs.
  Marriages136.5 yrs.

Lucy Webb Hayes' Children

NameAgeGenderTypeOther Parent
Birchard Austin Hayes72 yrs.*MaleBiologicalRutherford B. Hayes
James Webb Cook Hayes78 yrs.*MaleBiologicalRutherford B. Hayes
Rutherford Platt Hayes69 yrs.*MaleBiologicalRutherford B. Hayes
Joseph Thompson Hayes18 mos.*MaleBiologicalRutherford B. Hayes
George Crook Hayes19 mos.*MaleBiologicalRutherford B. Hayes
Fanny Hayes Smith82 yrs.*FemaleBiologicalRutherford B. Hayes
Scott Russell Hayes52 yrs.*MaleBiologicalRutherford B. Hayes
Manning Force Hayes12 mos.*MaleBiologicalRutherford B. Hayes

* Age at time of death

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