Leslie Moonves' Profile

Leslie Moonves is currently married to Julie Chen. He has been in two celebrity relationships averaging approximately 22.4 years each. His two marriages have averaged 22.4 years each.

Age: 75 (12/23/1948)

Occupation: Business - Other

Most Famous For: is President and Chief Executive Officer of CBS Corporation

Leslie Moonves' Relationships

Leslie Moonves' Relationship Statistics

No. Avg. Length
Relationships: 2 22.4 yrs.*
  Dating20 yrs.
  Engagements20 yrs.
  Marriages222.4 yrs.

Leslie Moonves' Children

NameAgeGenderTypeOther Parent
SaraN/AFemaleBiologicalNancy Wiesenfeld Moonves
MichaelN/AMaleBiologicalNancy Wiesenfeld Moonves
AdamN/AMaleBiologicalNancy Wiesenfeld Moonves
Charlie14 yrs.MaleBiologicalJulie Chen

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