Leopold III of Belgium's Profile
Leopold III of Belgium is deceased. He was in two celebrity relationships averaging approximately 25.4 years each. His two marriages averaged 25.4 years each.
Given Name: Leopold Philippe Charles Albert Meinrad Hubertus M
Age: 81 (11/3/1901 - 9/25/1983)
Occupation: Other - Royalty
Most Famous For: Leopold III
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Leopold III of Belgium's Relationships
Leopold III of Belgium's Relationship Statistics
No. | Avg. Length | |
Relationships: | 2 | 25.4 yrs.* |
Dating | 2 | 0 yrs. |
Engagements | 2 | 0 yrs. |
Marriages | 2 | 25.4 yrs. |
Breakups: | ||
Widowed/Widower | 2 |
Leopold III of Belgium's Children
Name | Age | Gender | Type |
Josephine-Charlotte Ingeborg Elisabeth Marie | 77 yrs.* | Female | Biological |
King Baudouin I | 62 yrs.* | Male | Biological |
Albert II | 90 yrs. | Male | Biological |
Alexander Emanuel Albert Henry Leopold | 82 yrs. | Male | Biological |
Marie-Christine Daphne Astrid Elisabeth Leopoldine | 73 yrs. | Female | Biological |
Maria-Esmeralda Adelaide Lillian Anna Leopoldine | 68 yrs. | Female | Biological |
* Age at time of death
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Relationship News & Gossip for Leopold III of Belgium
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