Gustav VI Adolf of Sweden's Profile

Gustav VI Adolf of Sweden Profile Photo

Gustav VI Adolf of Sweden is deceased. He was in two celebrity relationships averaging approximately 28.1 years each. His two marriages averaged 28.1 years each.

Given Name: Oskar Fredrik Wilhelm Olaf Gustaf Adolf

Age: 90 (11/11/1882 - 9/15/1973)

Occupation: Other - Royalty

Gustav VI Adolf of Sweden's Relationships

Gustav VI Adolf of Sweden's Relationship Statistics

No. Avg. Length
Relationships: 2 28.1 yrs.*
  Dating20 yrs.
  Engagements20 yrs.
  Marriages228.1 yrs.

Gustav VI Adolf of Sweden's Children

NameAgeGenderTypeOther Parent
Gustav Adolf Oscar Frederik Arthur Edmond40 yrs.*MaleBiologicalPrincess Margaret of Connaught
Sigvard Oscar Frederik94 yrs.*MaleBiologicalPrincess Margaret of Connaught
Ingrid Victoria Sofia Louise Margareta90 yrs.*FemaleBiologicalPrincess Margaret of Connaught
Bertil Gustav Oscar Carl Eugene84 yrs.*MaleBiologicalPrincess Margaret of Connaught
Carl Johan Arthur108 yrs.MaleBiologicalPrincess Margaret of Connaught

* Age at time of death

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