Gina Tognoni's Profile

Gina Tognoni is currently married to Joseph Chiarello. She has been in two celebrity relationships averaging approximately 8.8 years each. Her one marriage has lasted 15.4 years so far.

Age: 50 (11/28/1973)

Occupation: Entertainment - Actress

Most Famous For: Dinah Marler Thorpe Jessup of Guiding Light

Gina Tognoni's Relationships

Gina Tognoni's Relationship Statistics

No. Avg. Length
Relationships: 2 8.8 yrs.*
  Dating20.7 yrs.
  Engagements11.5 yrs.
  Marriages115.4 yrs.
  Dating Breakups1 

Gina Tognoni's Children

No known children for this celebrity. Add a child

Relationship News & Gossip for Gina Tognoni

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