Chris Wragge's Profile

Chris Wragge Profile Photo

Chris Wragge is currently single. He has been in three celebrity relationships averaging approximately 4.0 years each. His only marriage lasted 8.5 years.

Given Name: Christian Wragge

Age: 54 (6/19/1970)

Occupation: Media - Newsperson / Anchor

Most Famous For: Sports reporter & news anchor

Chris Wragge's Relationships

Chris Wragge's Relationship Statistics

No. Avg. Length
Relationships: 3 4.0 yrs.*
  Dating30.5 yrs.
  Engagements12.5 yrs.
  Marriages18.5 yrs.
  Dating Breakups2 

Chris Wragge's Children

No known children for this celebrity. Add a child

Relationship News & Gossip for Chris Wragge

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