Baron Davis' Profile

Baron Davis is currently single. He has been in two celebrity relationships averaging approximately 2.1 years each. His only marriage lasted 3.4 years.

Given Name: Baron Walter Louis Davis

Age: 45 (4/13/1979)

Occupation: Sports - Basketball

Most Famous For: Charlotte Hornets

Baron Davis' Relationships

Baron Davis' Relationship Statistics

No. Avg. Length
Relationships: 2 2.1 yrs.*
  Dating20.4 yrs.
  Engagements10.5 yrs.
  Marriages13.4 yrs.
  Dating Breakups1 

Baron Davis' Children

NameAgeGenderTypeOther Parent
Kingman10 yrs.MaleBiologicalIsabella Brewster

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Relationship News & Gossip for Baron Davis

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