Celebrities Born on September 28th
Olivia Jade
Social Media, Daughter of Lori Loughlin
Age: 25 (1999)
Media - Blogger
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Badlands, album
Age: 30 (1994)
Music - Singer
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Skye McCole Bartusiak
"The Patriot"
Age: 21* (1992)
Entertainment - Actress
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Kirsten Prout
Amanda Bloom of Kyle XY, television show
Age: 34 (1990)
Entertainment - Actress
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Esmee Denters
is a Dutch singer
Age: 36 (1988)
Music - Singer
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Hilary Duff
Title character in Lizzie McGuire, Disney Channel series
Age: 37 (1987)
Entertainment - Actress
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Melody Thornton
Pussycat Dolls, pop group
Age: 40 (1984)
Music - Singer
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Sarah Wright
Millicent Gergich in Parks and Recreation, NBC series
Age: 41 (1983)
Entertainment - Actress
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Julissa Bermudez
Former Host of The Center, television show
Age: 41 (1983)
Entertainment - TV Personality
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Sabina Gadecki
Age: 41 (1983)
Entertainment - Actress
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Dustin Penner
Age: 42 (1982)
Sports - Hockey
Dating History | Kids | Photos
Matt Cohen
Aiden Dennison in South of Nowhere
Age: 42 (1982)
Entertainment - Actor
Dating History | Kids | Photos
* Age at time of death