Relationship Details

Celebrity Biographies

Tameka Cottle and T.I. filed for divorce on December 1, 2016. They have been married for 13.7 years and filed for divorce 7.3 years ago.

Tameka Cottle Profile Photo

Tameka Cottle

Music - Singer

Why Famous: Xscape, R&B group

Age: 48 (b. 7/14/1975)


Tameka Cottle's Relationships (4)

T.I. Profile Photo


Music - Rapper

Why Famous: King, album

Age: 43 (b. 9/25/1980)


T.I.'s Relationships (6)

Relationship Timeline

Event Start Date Length
Dating 10/19/2001 3.6 years
Engaged 5/15/2005 5.2 years
Married 7/30/2010 13.7 years
    Separated 2/1/2014 --
    Filed for Divorce 12/1/2016 --
 Total22.5 years

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Children of this Relationship

Name Born Age Gender Type
Clifford Joseph III8/25/200419 yrs.MaleBiological
Llayah Amour3/21/2007< 1 mo.*FemaleBiological
Major Philant5/16/200815 yrs.MaleBiological
Heiress Diana3/26/20168 yrs.FemaleBiological

* Age at time of death

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