Relationship Details

Celebrity Biographies

Charles Lowe's relationship with Carol Channing ended when Charles Lowe died on August 2, 1999. They had been married for 42.9 years.

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Charles Lowe

Entertainment - Producer

Why Famous: Relationship with Carol Channing

Age: 87 (12/24/1911 - 8/2/1999)


Charles Lowe's Relationships (1)

Carol Channing Profile Photo

Carol Channing

Entertainment - Actress

Why Famous: Lorelei Lee of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Age: 97 (1/31/1921 - 1/15/2019)


Carol Channing's Relationships (4)

Relationship Timeline

Event Start Date Length
Dating n/a --
Engaged n/a --
Married 9/5/1956 42.9 years
Deceased 8/2/1999 --
 Total42.9 years*

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