Relationship Details
Celebrity Biographies
Caroline Dubs' relationship with Harvey Lembeck ended when Harvey Lembeck died on January 5, 1982. Caroline Dubs is currently available.
Other - Spouse
Why Famous: Widow of Harvey Lembeck
Age: N/A
Entertainment - Actor
Why Famous: Eric Von Zipper from Beach Party
Age: 58 (4/15/1923 - 1/5/1982)
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Relationship Timeline
Event | Start Date | Length |
Dating | n/a | -- |
Engaged | n/a | -- |
Married | n/a | -- |
Deceased | 1/5/1982 | -- |
Total | --* |
Children of this Relationship
Name | Born | Age | Gender |
Michael Lembeck | 6/25/1948 | 76 yrs. | Male |
Helaine Lembeck | 4/15/1952 | 72 yrs. | Female |
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