Robert Kennedy Sr.'s Profile

Robert Kennedy Sr. Profile Photo

Robert Kennedy Sr. is deceased. He was in two celebrity relationships averaging approximately 11.9 years each. His only marriage lasted 18.0 years.

Given Name: Robert Francis Kennedy Sr.

Age: 42 (11/20/1925 - 6/6/1968)

Occupation: Politics - Attorney General

Most Famous For: Brother of John F. Kennedy

Robert Kennedy Sr.'s Relationships

Robert Kennedy Sr.'s Relationship Statistics

No. Avg. Length
Relationships: 2 11.9 yrs.*
  Dating15.2 yrs.
  Engagements10.4 yrs.
  Marriages118.0 yrs.
  Ended Affairs1 

Robert Kennedy Sr.'s Children

NameAgeGenderTypeOther Parent
Kathleen Hartington73 yrs.FemaleBiologicalEthel Kennedy
Joseph Patrick72 yrs.MaleBiologicalEthel Kennedy
Robert Francis Jr.70 yrs.MaleBiologicalEthel Kennedy
David Anthony28 yrs.*MaleBiologicalEthel Kennedy
Mary Courtney68 yrs.FemaleBiologicalEthel Kennedy
Michael LeMoyne39 yrs.*MaleBiologicalEthel Kennedy
Mary Kerry65 yrs.FemaleBiologicalEthel Kennedy
Christopher George61 yrs.MaleBiologicalEthel Kennedy
Matthew Maxwell Taylor59 yrs.MaleBiologicalEthel Kennedy
Douglas Harriman57 yrs.MaleBiologicalEthel Kennedy
Rory Elizabeth Katherine55 yrs.FemaleBiologicalEthel Kennedy

* Age at time of death

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