Richard Cohen's Profile
Richard Cohen is currently married to Meredith Vieira. He has been in two celebrity relationships averaging approximately 38.4 years each. His one marriage has lasted 38.6 years so far.
Occupation: Other - Spouse
Most Famous For: Ny real estate developer, Husband of Paula Zahn
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Richard Cohen's Relationships
Richard Cohen's Relationship Statistics
No. | Avg. Length | |
Relationships: | 2 | 38.4 yrs.* |
Affairs | 1 | n/a |
Dating | 1 | 0 yrs. |
Engagements | 1 | 0 yrs. |
Marriages | 1 | 38.6 yrs. |
Richard Cohen's Children
Name | Age | Gender | Type |
Haley | 36 yrs. | Female | Biological |
Benjamin Edwin | 36 yrs. | Male | Step Child |
Gabriel Anthony | 34 yrs. | Male | Step Child |
Lily Max | 32 yrs. | Female | Step Child |
Jared Brandon | 32 yrs. | Male | Biological |
Austin Bryce | 28 yrs. | Male | Biological |
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Relationship News & Gossip for Richard Cohen
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