Alice Faye's Profile

Alice Faye Profile Photo

Alice Faye is deceased. She was in two celebrity relationships averaging approximately 28.2 years each. Her two marriages averaged 28.2 years each.

Given Name: Alice Jeanne Leppert

Age: 83 (5/5/1915 - 5/9/1998)

Occupation: Entertainment - Actress

Most Famous For: Actress and singer; big star in radio and movies

Alice Faye's Relationships

Alice Faye's Relationship Statistics

No. Avg. Length
Relationships: 2 28.2 yrs.*
  Dating20 yrs.
  Engagements20 yrs.
  Marriages228.2 yrs.

Alice Faye's Children

NameAgeGenderTypeOther Parent
Alice Faye82 yrs.FemaleBiologicalPhil Harris
Phyllis Wanda80 yrs.FemaleBiologicalPhil Harris

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