Adeline Blondieau's Profile
Adeline Blondieau is currently single. She has been in three celebrity relationships averaging less than one year each. Her two marriages have averaged 0 years each.
Age: 54 (2/9/1971)
Occupation: Entertainment - Actress
Most Famous For: Ex-spouse of Johnny Hallyday
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Adeline Blondieau's Relationships
59 Yrs. Old
Broke Up (1993)
Age not known
74 Yrs. Old
Adeline Blondieau's Relationship Statistics
No. | Avg. Length | |
Relationships: | 3 | 0.3 yrs.* |
Dating | 3 | 1.0 yrs. |
Engagements | 2 | 0 yrs. |
Marriages | 2 | 0 yrs. |
Breakups: | ||
Dating Breakups | 1 | |
Divorces | 2 |
Adeline Blondieau's Children
Name | Age | Gender | Type |
Aitor | 25 yrs. | Male | Biological |
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Relationship News & Gossip for Adeline Blondieau
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