Relationship Details

Celebrity Biographies

Lady Jane Digby has been divorced from Edward Law, Earl of Ellenborough since 1830. They had been married for 6 years. Lady Jane Digby is now deceased.

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Lady Jane Digby

Other - Royalty

Why Famous: English aristocrat and courtesan

Age: 74 (1807 - 1881)


Lady Jane Digby's Relationships (7)

No Celebrity Photo on File

Edward Law, Earl of Ellenborough

Other - Heir

Why Famous: English aristocrat

Age: 81 (1790 - 1871)


Edward Law, Earl of Ellenborough's Relationships (1)

Relationship Timeline

Event Start Date Length
Dating n/a --
Engaged n/a --
Married 1824 6 years
    Separated n/a --
    Filed for Divorce n/a --
Divorced 1830 --
 Total6 years*

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Children of this Relationship

Name Born Age Gender Type
Arthur Dudley Law182823 mos.*MaleBiological

* Age at time of death

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Prince Felix of SchwarzenbergLady Jane Digby1829View

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